The Teamsters Joint Council No. 40 jurisdiction is located in Western Pennsylvania and Northern West Virginia. Our affiliated locals are listed on this website and the locals that have websites can be accessed by clicking on their local union number.
Our combined membership totals nearly 35,000 hard working men and women representing employment in various private and public sector jobs. The Teamsters represent members employed in transportation, warehouse and manufacturing as well as public service jobs. We are affiliated with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, which represents 1.4 million members and the Pennsylvania Conference of Teamsters, which represents nearly 95,000 members in parts of West Virginia, New Jersey, Delaware as well as Pennsylvania.
Our office is located at 910 Sheraton Drive, Suite 210, Mars, PA 16046. Our telephone number is 724-776-5144 or Toll Free 1-866-400-JC40. For more information concerning our International and the PA Conference of which we are affiliated with, we have provided links to their web sites on our Links page to keep you informed on issues important to the Teamsters Union in general.
In addition, the page will provide you access to the Western Pennsylvania Teamsters & Employers Pension Fund and Western Pennsylvania Teamsters & Employers Welfare Fund. The benefit plan sites will advise you of matters concerning your negotiated benefits.
If you would like additional information concerning Teamsters Joint Council No. 40 or would like to discuss joining our organization or any of our affiliated locals, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Contact Us
910 Sheraton Drive
Suite 210
Mars, PA 16046
Phone (724) 776-5144
Fax (724) 776-0437
Email: [email protected]
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