Latest News from Teamsters JC No. 40
Local Union No. 8State College, PA(814) 548-1429 Local Union No. 30Jeannette, PA(724) 527-1523 Local Union No. 110Ebensburg, PA(800) 223-8937 Local Union No. 205White Oak, PA (412) 751-7988 Local Union No. 249Pittsburgh, PA(800) 427-0249(412) 682-3700 Local Union No....
Teamsters Joint Council 40 Board
Carl A. Bailey - President Albert J. Waltz - Vice President Kevin M. Schmitt - Secretary-Treasurer Harold G. Close - Recording Secretary Jonathan M. Light - Trustee Douglas A. Youngs - Trustee Paul "Dino" Taormina - Trustee Joseph J. Barbano - Executive Assistant...
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